Lovers of the Universe a.s.b.l. proudly presents “DANCE OF THE GODS” - a unique event that transcends everything you have ever experienced.
Be ready to dive deep in the world of our ancestral heritage of Greek, Nordic, Egyptian and Hindu Mythology in a one day festival.
Expect epic children’s games, great musical performances from all over the world, theatrical improvisation, a divine electro set and incredible breathtaking surprises. Bring your offerings and we promise you divine sacrificial ceremonies. A feast of the Gods like you never seen.

Doors open
17:30 – 18:15
Dance of the little Gods aka KIDS DISCO
After having accomplished the divine feats, our little Gods may celebrate their Entry to the Olymp together with Hercules by dancing to the specially selected divine tunes of the RUSTY FOX & Ellis.

18:30 – 19:30
Mystical Folk music from Luxembourg. 7 beautiful souls giving a collective happening in the most various music genres and multiple languages.
19:45 – 20:45
"L'Apothéose des Dieux" with PETACO
The brilliant impro theater group "La Petite troupe d´à côté" creating a special “Gods” edition.

21:00 – 22:15
Judasz & Nahimana
Creation of an atmosphere suited to spectral ceremonies which are conducted in both French and Portuguese. Their rhythmic passages and haunting interludes are embellished by the inclusion of uncommonly seen instruments such as the hurdy-gurdy as well as their own hand-made instruments.
Cash only event.
Bring cash with you or buy drink & food vouchers online
Part of the entries go to the children and youngsters of the "Internat Convict épiscopal" who are in charge of the event decorations
Free entry for children and young people up to 14 years
Hidden program. Astonishing surprises that are not officially announced